Gary & Sandy Hoyle

Boone, NC

(828) 963-6307

(Copy & paste email address to use)

Experts agree the single most important step towards ensuring your personal safety is making the conscious decision to refuse to be a victim. Criminals prefer easy targets. You stand a much better chance of preventing criminal attack if you make yourself difficult to prey upon. This means you must have an overall personal safety strategy in place before you need it. That is why this seminar was created.

This is a 4 hour confidential seminar that teaches easy-to-understand tactics you can use to prevent criminal attack. This is not a hands-on physical course, but you will get the tools you need to develop your own personal safety strategy.


The Psychology of Criminal Predators

Home Security

Phone Security and Internet Security

Automobile Security & Travel Security

Physical Security

Self Defense Physical Training

Personal Protection Devices


You CAN refuse to be a victim!

Contact us about a semimar date and details!